23-Year-Old New Orleans, Louisiana native Lah Daddy releases visuals for "Myself". Louisiana is a state that is filled with so much musical talent, it’s like you could be studying + supporting the scene for decades, but with the rapid rate that these talents are produced, you could just never keep up. This afternoon, we have a creative artist from the boot that goes by Lah Daddy who is making his return on NOLAZINE with his brand new release titled "Myself". We were instantly impressed with Lah Daddy cutthroat rapping ability, he gave us two minutes and forty-eight seconds of pure bars, picking apart the beat perfectly in the process.
There is a moment when listening to a new artist that you realize just how impactful they will be and how true their intention is. Simply listening to their music grants you a glimpse into their passion, influences and sheer love of the music they create. This intimate connection we create with artists doesn’t happen often but when it does it is impossible to ignore. This brief preamble brings us to the subject of this post and our most recent discovery, Lah Daddy. Although not much is known about the incredibly talented Hip Hop Artist, one thing is certain, Lah Daddy is an artist to pay very close attention to and his latest single, "Myself", is an impressionable example of an artist you are going to want to get familiar with.